Your search returned 146 results.

Source control: a guide to the management of surgical infections by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: New York Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: WO 185 .S67 2002.

Dictionary of microbiology and molecular biology by
Edition: 3rd
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: New York John Wiley & Sons lTD 2001
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: Ref QR9.S56 2001.

Consilience: the unity of knowledge by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: New York Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: B72 .W54 2003.

Human Biology by
Edition: 4th
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: USA. Wm. C. Brown Publishers 1995
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: QH 491 .M33 1995.

Understanding pathophysiology by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: St. Louis Mosby 2000
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (3)Call number: QT 4 .H84 2000, ...

Essential of radiation biology and protection by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: COLUMBIA Thomson Delmar 2002
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF TANZANIA LIBRARY (1)Call number: WN 650 .67 2002.

Human physiology: the mechanisms of body function by Series: Human Physiology
Edition: 8th ed.
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Boston McGraw-Hill 2001
Availability: Not available: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY: Checked out (1).

Parasites of lepidopteran stemborers of tropical gramineous plants by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Nairobi ICIPE Science Press 1993
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: QX 560 .S54.

Human genetics: problems and approaches by
Edition: 3rd ed.
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Berlin Springer-Verlag 1997
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: QH 431 .V59 1997.

Fundamentals of microbiology by Series: Fundamentals of Microbiology
Edition: 6th ed.
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Boston Jones and Bartlett Publishers 2001
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: QW 4 .A53 2001.

Human physiology and mechanisms of disease by Series: Human Physiology and Mechanisms of Disease
Edition: 5th ed.
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Philadelphia W.B. Saunders Company 1992
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: QT 104 .G89 1992.

Longevity: the biology and demography of life span by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Princeton Princeton University Press 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: QP 85 .C28 2002.

Pain research methods and protocols by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Totowa Humana Press 2004
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: WL 25 .P34 2004.

Biochemistry illustrated: biochemistry and molecular biology in the post-genomic era by
Edition: 5th ed.
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Edinburgh Elservier 2005
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF TANZANIA LIBRARY (1)Call number: QU 450 .C36 2005.

Diagnostics in infections: the eleventh sir Dorabji tata symposium by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Bangalore Macmillan Publishers India Ltd 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: WC 100 .R34 2011.

Laboratory manual: human biology: concepts and current issues by
Edition: 6th ed.
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: San Francisco Pearson Education, Inc. 2012
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: QS 4 .J65 2012.

Microbiology: a systems approach by
Edition: 3rd ed.
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: New York McGraw-Hill 2012
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: QR 46 .C69 2012.

The developing human: clinically oriented embryology by
Edition: 9th ed.
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Philadelphia Saunders 2013
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: QS 604.M66 2013.

Physics in biology and medicine by
Edition: 4th ed.
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: London Academic Press/Elsevier 2013
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: QT 34 .D38 2013.

Biology by
Edition: 7th ed.
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: San Francisco Pearson 2005
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: QH 308.2 .C36 2005.


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