Your search returned 10 results.

Alcoholism and the family: a guide to treatment and prevention by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Maryland Aspen Publishers, Inc. 1983
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: HV 5132 .L39 1983.

Community health education settings, roles, and skills for the 21st century by
Edition: 3rd ed.
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Maryland Aspen Publication 1994
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: WA 590 .B79 1994.

Health management information systems; methods and practical applications by
Edition: 2nd ed.
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Gaithersburg Aspen Publishers Inc. 2001
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: W 26.5 T2 2001.

Processed meats by
Edition: 3rd ed.
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Maryland Aspen Publishers, Inc. 1999
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: TS 1970 .P43 1999.

The canning of fish and meat by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Maryland Aspen Publishers, Inc. 1999
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: SH 336 .F66 1999.

Pediatric nutrition: patient education manual by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Maryland Aspen Publishers, Inc. 2002
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: WS 115 .P37 2002.

Continuing education in the health professions by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: London Aspen
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: W 20.B6.

Principles of food sanitation by
Edition: 4th ed.
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Gaithersburg Aspen 1999
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: WA 672 .M2 1999.

Fundamentals of cancer epidemiology by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Gaithersburg An aspen publication 2001
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF TANZANIA LIBRARY (1)Call number: QZ 200.F37 2001.

Workplace safety: a guide for small and midsized companies by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Danvers,MA Aspen Risk Management Group 2006
Availability: Items available for loan: AMREF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AMIU) LIBRARY (1)Call number: T 55 .H67 2006.


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