Biomass preprocessing and pretreatments for production of biofuels : mechanical, chemical and thermal methods / edited by Jaya Shankar Tumuluru.
Material type:
- 9781315153735
- 662/.88 23
- TP339 .B5737 2018
part, 1 Mechanical Preprocessing -- chapter 1 Why Biomass Preprocessing and Pretreatments? / Jaya Shankar Tumuluru -- chapter 2 Conventional and Advanced Mechanical Preprocessing Methods for Biomass: Performance Quality Attributes and Cost Analysis / Jaya Shankar Tumuluru Neal Yancey -- chapter 3 Effects of Mechanical Preprocessing Technologies on Gasification Performance and Economic Value of Syngas / Amit Khanchi Bhavna Sharma Ashokkumar Sharma Ajay Kumar Jaya Shankar Tumuluru Stuart Birrell -- chapter 4 Mechanical Fractionation of Biomass Feedstocks for Enhanced Pretreatment and Conversion / Jeffrey A. Lacey -- chapter 5 Biomass Gasification and Effect of Physical Properties on Products / Sushil Adhikari Hyungseok Nam Avanti Kulkarni -- chapter 6 The Impacts of Biomass Pretreatment Methods on Bio-oil Production / Yang Yue Sudhagar Mani -- part, 2 Thermal Preprocessing -- chapter 7 Steam Treatment of Cellulosic Biomass for Pelletization / Shahab Sokhansanj Hamid Rezaei Pak Sui (Wilson) Lam Tang Yong Bahman Ghiasi Zahra Tooyserkani -- chapter 8 Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC) of Biomass for Energy Applications / S. Kent Hoekman Amber Leland Larry Felix -- chapter 9 Thermal Pretreatment of Biomass to make it Suitable for Biopower Application / Jaya Shankar Tumuluru -- chapter 10 The Impacts of Thermal Pretreatments on Biomass Gasification and Pyrolysis Processes / Zixu Yang Ajay Kumar -- chapter 11 Hydrothermal Liquefaction A Promising Technology for High Moisture Biomass Conversion / Ankita Juneja Deepak Kumar Jaya Shankar Tumuluru -- part, 3 Chemical Preprocessing -- chapter 12 Chemical Preprocessing of Feedstocks for Improved Handling and Conversion to Biofuels / John Earl Aston -- chapter 13 Acid Preprocessing Treatments Benefit for Bioconversion of Biomass for Liquid Fuels and Bioproduct Production / Nick Nagle Erik Kuhn -- chapter 14 Compositional and Structural Modification of Lignocellulosic Biomass for Biofuel Production by Alkaline Treatment / Kingsley L. Iroba Majid Soleimani Lope G. Tabil -- chapter 15 Impacts, Challenges, and Economics of Ionic Liquid Pretreatment of Biomass / Jipeng Yan Ling Liang Todd R. Pray Ning Sun -- chapter 16 Ammonia Fiber Expansion and its Impact on Subsequent Densification and Enzymatic Conversion / Bryan D. Bals Timothy J. Campbell.
Engineering the physical, chemical, and energy properties of lignocellulosic biomass is important to produce high-quality consistent feedstocks with reduced variability for biofuels production. The emphasis of this book will be the beneficial impacts that mechanical, chemical, and thermal preprocessing methods can have on lignocellulosic biomass quality attributes or specifications for solid and liquid biofuels and biopower production technologies. "Preprocessing" refers to treatments that can occur at a distance from conversion and result in an intermediate with added value, with improved conversion performance and efficiency.This book explores the effects of mechanical, chemical, and thermal preprocessing methods on lignocellulosic biomass physical properties and chemical composition and their suitability for biofuels production. For example, biomass mechanical preprocessing methods like size reduction (which impacts the particle size and distribution) and densification (density and size and shape) are important for feedstocks to meet the quality requirements for both biochemical and thermochemical conversion methods like enzymatic conversion, gasification, and pyrolysis process. Thermal preprocessing methods like drying, deep drying, torrefaction, steam explosion, hydrothermal carbonization, and hydrothermal liquefaction effect feedstock's proximate, ultimate and energy property, making biomass suitable for both solid and liquid fuel production. Chemical preprocessing which includes washing, leaching, acid, alkali, and ammonia fiber explosion that can enable biochemical composition, such as modification of lignin and hemicellulose, and impacts the enzymatic conversion application for liquid fuels production. This book also explores the integration of these preprocessing technologies to achieve desired lignocellulosic biomass quality attributes for biofuels production.
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