Structural Dynamics [electronic resource] : Concepts and Applications.
Material type:
- text
- computer
- online resource
- 9781498766012
- 1498766013
- 9781498765978
- 1498765971
- 9781351632935
- 1351632930
- 624.171
- TA654 .B873 2018
Description based upon print version of record.
Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Contents; Preface; Authors; 1. Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systems; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 One Degree of Freedom; 1.3 Equivalent Spring Constant; 1.4 Free Vibrations; 1.5 Damped Free Vibration; 1.6 Forced Vibration under Harmonic Force; 1.6.1 Forced Undamped Harmonic Motion; 1.6.2 Forced Damped Harmonic Motion; 1.6.3 Forced Damped Harmonic Motion Using Complex Format; 1.6.4 Forced Harmonic Motion of the Support; 1.6.5 Force Transmitted to Base; 1.7 Forced Response to Periodic Loading; 1.7.1 Trigonometric Functions and Fourier Series
1.7.2 Alternate Forms of Fourier Series1.7.3 Complex Form of Fourier Series; 1.7.4 Response to General Periodic Forces; 1.8 Work Performed by External Forces and Energy Dissipation; 1.8.1 Material Damping; 1.8.2 Elastic-Plastic Materials; 1.8.3 Viscoelastic Materials; 1.8.4 Using Viscoelastic Relations (for Harmonic Functions); 1.9 Response to General Forcing Function; 1.9.1 Dirac Delta or Impulse Function; 1.9.2 Response to Dirac Delta Function; 1.10 Response to Arbitrary Forcing Function; 1.10.1 Step Response of Undamped System
1.10.2 Response to External Force That Varies Linearly with Time1.10.3 Exponentially Decaying Function; 1.10.4 Asymptotic Step Forcing Function; 1.10.5 Response to a Ramp-Step Function; 1.10.6 Rectangular Impulse; 1.10.7 Triangular Impulse; 1.10.8 Half-Cycle Sine Impulse; 1.11 Integral Transformations; 1.11.1 Application of the Fourier Transformations to the Viscoelastic Relations; 1.11.2 Application of the Laplace Transformations to the Viscoelastic Relations; 1.11.3 Dirac and Heaviside Functions; 1.11.4 Application of Laplace and Fourier Transforms to ODOF Systems with Material Damping
1.11.5 An Application of U*1.11.6 Experimental Determination of U*; Problems; References; 2. Random Vibrations; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Probability, Probability Distribution, and Probability Density; 2.3 Mean, Variance, Standard Deviation, and Distributions; 2.4 Combined Probabilities; 2.5 Random Functions; 2.5.1 Correlation Function and Spectral Densities; 2.5.2 Combinations of Random Processes; 2.5.3 Level Crossings; 2.6 Dynamic Characteristics of Linear Systems; 2.7 Input-Output Relations for Stationary Random Processes; 2.8 Input-Output Relations for Nonstationary Random Processes; Problems
4.3.1 Generalized Forces
"Structural Dynamics: Concepts and Applications focuses on dynamic problems in mechanical, civil and aerospace engineering through the equations of motion. The text explains structural response from dynamic loads and the modeling and calculation of dynamic responses in structural systems. A range of applications is included, from various engineering disciplines. Coverage progresses consistently from basic to advanced, with emphasis placed on analytical methods and numerical solution techniques. Stress analysis is discussed, and MATLAB applications are integrated throughout. A solutions manual and figure slides for classroom projection are available for instructors."--Provided by publisher.
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