An Introduction to Sustainable Transportation : Policy, Planning and Implementation.
Material type:
- text
- computer
- online resource
- 9781317289159
- 1317289153
- 388.04899999999998
- HE147.65 S355 2017
""Cover""; ""Title""; ""Copyright""; ""Contents""; ""Lists of figures, tables and boxes""; ""Acknowledgements""; ""Acronyms and abbreviations""; ""Foreword""; ""Introduction and overview""; ""1 A highly mobile planet and its challenges: automobile dependence, equity and inequity""; ""Sustainable transportation, accessible transportation or sustainable mobility?""; ""What is sustainable transportation about?""; ""Unsustainable transportation: the magnitude of the problem""; ""Hypermobility""; ""The problems of automobile dependence""; ""Equity, social justice and auto-dependence""; ""Summary""
""Conclusions""""2 Automobile cities, the car culture and alternative possibilities""; ""Introduction""; ""Walking cities, transit cities and automobile cities""; ""Additional lessons from city types""; ""Car culture""; ""Sociology of transportation and the car culture""; ""Automobility and safety: ideology versus analysis""; ""The mainstream media and the car culture: myth overshadows reality""; ""Marketing the myth: screens, earbuds, branding, embedding and product placement""; ""Movies and TV: the automobile as star and sponsor""; ""Radio and cars""; ""Music and the car culture""
""Car culture in literature""""â#x80;#x98;Carchitectureâ#x80;#x99;: reshaping architecture and urban design for automobile cities""; ""â#x80;#x98;Futuramaâ#x80;#x99;: we have seen the future and it drives!""; ""Tourism: the car culture evolves into the fly-drive and recreational vehicle cultures""; ""Conclusions""; ""3 History of sustainable and unsustainable transportation: from walking to wheels and back to walking""; ""Transportation history: the intersection of modes, infrastructure and society""; ""Walking: the original affordable, healthful and sustainable mode""
""Wheels, early vehicles and travel: mostly local and for necessity""""Pilgrimages around the planet""; ""Mechanization and motorization transform travel and society""; ""Bicycling: the sustainable path almost taken""; ""Transportation infrastructure: from animal paths to â#x80;#x98;Good Roadsâ#x80;#x99;""; ""The rise of automobility""; ""Maritime and water travel""; ""Aviation: from the feat of flying to fly-drive excess""; ""Telecommunications and transportation: from smoke signals to mobile telephones""; ""Rail and railways""; ""Conclusion: lessons for sustainable transportation""
""4 Modes, roads and routes: technologies, infrastructure, functions, energy and inter-relatedness""""Introduction""; ""In-town modes: getting to work, school, shopping, services and recreation""; ""Regionalâ#x80;#x93;metropolitan area modes: long commutes, regional services, recreation, peak demand""; ""The barrier effects of different rights of way""; ""Long distance: modes and types of travel""; ""Sustainability considerations: fuels, pollution, electric and autonomous vehicles""; ""Modal energy consumption and occupancy factors in global cities""
""Topographically appropriate modes: aerial and suspended trams, monorails, funiculars""
"Cities around the globe struggle to create better and more equitable access to important destinations and services, all the while reducing the energy consumption and environmental impacts of mobility. An Introduction to Sustainable Transportation illustrates a new planning paradigm for sustainable transportation through case studies from around the world with hundreds of valuable resources and references, color photos, graphics and tables. The second edition builds and expands upon the highly acclaimed first edition, with new chapters on urban design and urban, regional and intercity public transportation, as well as expanded chapters on automobile dependence and equity issues; automobile cities and the car culture; the history of sustainable and unsustainable transportation; the interrelatedness of technologies, infrastructure energy and functionalities; and public policy and public participation and exemplary places, people and programs around the globe. Among the many valuable additions are discussions of autonomous vehicles (AVs), electric vehicles (EVs), airport cities, urban fabrics, urban heat island effects and mobility as a service (MaaS). New case studies show global exemplars of sustainable transportation, including several from Asia, a case study of participative and deliberative public involvement, as well as one describing life in the Vauban ecologically planned community of Freiburg, Germany. Students in affiliated sustainability disciplines, planners, policymakers and concerned citizens will find many provides practical techniques to innovate and transform transportation."--Provided by publisher.
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