Mechanical engineering for sustainable development / editors: C.S.P. Rao, PhD, G. Amba Prasad Rao, PhD, N. Selvaraj, PhD, P.S.C. Bose, PhD, V.P. Chandramohan.
Material type:
- text
- computer
- online resource
- 9781351170161
- 1351170163
- 9781351170147
- 1351170147
- 9781351170130
- 1351170139
- 9781351170154
- 1351170155
- 621.028/6 23
- TJ7
Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; ABOUT THE EDITORS; Table of Contents; Contributors; Abbreviations; Preface; PART I: Machine Design (MD); 1: Prototype of a Collapsible Trolley: A New Design Methodology; 2: Experimental Evaluation of a Magneto Rheological Brake for Automotive Application; 3: Simulation for Estimation of a Magneto Rheological Brake Torque-Based on Fuzzy Logic Singular Value Decomposition Using MATLAB; 4: Frequency Responses of Automobile Suspension Systems; 5: Investigation of Humanoid Movement Using a Classical Approach; 6: Topology Optimization of a Spur Gear
7: Dynamics and Structural Analysis of a Reentry Module for a Sample Return Mission to 2010TK78: Design and Analysis of Various Homogeneous Interconnected Scaffold Structures for Trabecular Bone; PART II: Materials and Manufacturing (MM); 9: Thermogravimetric/Differential Thermal Analysis (TG-DTA) of Binary Metal Catalyst for Multiwall Carbon Nanotube (MWCNT) Synthesis; 10: Characterization of Fe-Co-Ni-Ternary Metal Catalyst for High-Yield Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes; 11: Effect of Mold Vibrations on Mechanical and Metallurgical Properties of Aluminum 356 Casting
12: Deformation and Fracture Behavior and Their Implications on the Design of a Forged Aluminum Alloy AA 2219 in T652 Condition13: Sampling Strategy of Free-Form Surface Evaluation Using a Coordinate Measuring Machine; 14: Influence of SIC and B4C Particles on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Copper Surface Composites Fabricated by Friction Stir Processing; 15: Studies on the Properties of Clay-Reinforced Epoxy/Polyester Composite; 16: Evaluation of Mechanical Behavior of Glass Particulate-Containing Al6061 Alloy Composites
17: Preparation and Electric Discharge Machining of Ceramic Particulate-Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composite18: Erosive Behavior of Alumina-Filled Zinc Aluminum Alloy Metal Matrix; 19: Effect of Heat Treatment on Mechanical and Wear Properties of Aluminum-Red Mud-Tungsten Carbide Metal Matrix Hybrid Composites; 20: Effect of Grain Size on Hardness of IS2062 Metal Inert Gas Weldment Before and After Heat Treatment Process; 21: Optimization of Cutting Parameters in Turning of Maraging Steel
22: Optimization of Powder-Mixed Electric Discharge Machining Parameters Using Taguchi and Grey Relational Analysis Based on Material Removal Rate and Surface Roughness23: Geometry-Based Dynamic Behavior of Functionally Graded Material Under Fluctuating Loads; 24: A Cost and Energy-Effective Automatic Material Handling System for Small-Scale Industry; 25: A Survey on Application of a System Dynamic Approach in Supply Chain Performance Modeling; 26: Gel Casting of Si3N4-SiO2 Ceramic Composites and Evaluation Characteristics; PART III: Thermal Engineering (TE)
This volume provides valuable insight into diverse topics related to mechanical engineering and presents state-of-the-art work on sustainable development being carried out throughout the world by budding researchers and scientists. Divided into three sections, the volume covers machine design, materials and manufacturing, and thermal engineering. It presents innovative research work on machine design that is of relevance to such varied fields as the automotive industry, agriculture, and human anatomy. The second section addresses materials characterization, an important tool in assessing proper materials for application-oriented jobs, and emerging unconventional machining processes that are important in design engineering for new products and tools. The section on thermal engineering broadly covers the use of viable alternate fuels, such as HHO, biodiesel, etc., with the objective of reducing the burden on petroleum reserves and the environment.
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