Your search returned 6 results.

Phytochemistry of plants from genus rauvolfia / Brijesh Kumar, Sunil Kumar, Vikas Bajpai and K. P. Madhusudanan. by Series: Phytochemical investigations of medicinal plants
Edition: First edition.
Material type: Text Text; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2020Copyright date: ©2020
Availability: No items available.

Phytochemistry of plants of genus ocimum / Brijesh Kumar, Vikas Bajpai, Surabhi Tiwari and Renu Pandey. by Series: Phytochemical investigations of medicinal plants
Edition: First edition.
Material type: Text Text; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Publisher: Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2020Copyright date: ©2020
Availability: No items available.

Phytochemistry of plants from genus phyllanthus / Brijesh Kumar, Sunil Kumar and K.P. Madhusudanan. by Series: Phytochemical investigations of medicinal plants
Material type: Text Text; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Publisher: Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2020Copyright date: ©2020
Availability: No items available.

Phytochemistry of plants from genus piper / Brijesh Kumar, Surabhi Tiwari, Vikas Bajpai and Bikarma Singh. by Series: Phytochemical investigations of medicinal plants
Edition: First edition.
Material type: Text Text; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2020Copyright date: ©2020
Availability: No items available.

Phytochemistry of tinospora cordifolia / Brijesh Kumar, Vikas Bajpai and Nikhil Kumar. by Series:
Edition: First edition.
Material type: Text Text; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2020Copyright date: ©2020
Availability: No items available.

Phytochemistry of piper betle landraces / Vikas Bajpai, Nikhil Kumar and Brijesh Kumar. by Series: Phytochemical investigations of medicinal plants
Edition: First edition.
Material type: Text Text; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2020Copyright date: ©2020
Availability: No items available.


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