Blake's Design of Mechanical Joints / Harold Josephs.
Material type:
- text
- computer
- online resource
- 9781315153827
- 1315153823
- 9781498766319
- 1498766315
- 9781351640350
- 1351640356
- 9781351649872
- 1351649876
- 621.88
- TA660.J64
"Blake's Design of Mechanical Joints, Second Edition, is an updated revision of Alexander Blake's authoritative book on mechanical joint and fastener design. This revision brings Blake's 1985 volume up-to-date with modern developments in joint design, and recent technological advances in metallic and non-metallic materials, and in adhesive joining technologies. The book retains Blake's lucid, readable style and his balance of basic concepts with practical applications. Coverage of statistical methods, computational software usage, extensive examples, and a full glossary have been added to make the new edition a comprehensive, practical sourcebook for today's mechanical design engineers."--Provided by publisher.
Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Preface; Authors; Chapter 1 Introduction; 1.1 Historical Review; 1.2 An Overview of Mechanical Joints; References; Chapter 2 Basic Concepts of Fasteners; 2.1 Introduction; 2.1.1 Adhesive Bonding; 2.1.2 Brazing and Soldering; 2.1.3 Rivets; 2.1.4 Threaded Fasteners; 2.1.5 Welded Joints; 2.2 Design with Rivets; 2.3 Design with Bolts; 2.4 Selection of Bolt Materials; 2.5 Stress and Strain of Bolted Joints; 2.6 Torque Equations and Friction; 2.7 Strength and Design Criteria; 2.8 Control of Torque and Preload; 2.9 Selection of Working Loads
2.10 Current View of Bolt Preload2.11 Summary of Design Considerations; References; Symbols; Chapter 3 Concepts of Strength and Failure; 3.1 Preliminary Considerations; 3.2 Effect of Lateral Forces; 3.3 Statically Indeterminate Beams; 3.4 Cross-Section Geometry; 3.4.1 Example; 3.4.2 Approach; 3.5 Combined Stress Criteria; 3.6 Response in Shear; 3.7 Torsion; 3.8 Deflection Analyses; 3.9 Buckling of Columns and Plates; 3.10 Bending of Plates; 3.11 Design of Curved Elements; 3.12 Strength and Stability of Vessels; 3.13 Early Experience with Stress and Fracture; 3.14 Griffith Theory of Fracture
3.15 Behavior of Cracks3.16 Detection of Crack Size; 3.17 Ductile to Brittle Transition; 3.18 Limitations and Implications of Fracture Control; 3.19 Summary; References; Symbols and Acronyms; Chapter 4 Quality Measurement and Statistics; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Theory of Measurements; 4.3 Statistical Analysis; 4.4 Known Normal Distribution; 4.5 Distribution Not Known to Be Normal; 4.6 t-Statistic or the Student's Statistic; 4.7 Hypothesis Testing; 4.8 Design Studies; 4.8.1 Design Study 4.1; Solution; 4.8.2 Design Study 4.2; Solution; 4.8.3 Design Study 4.3
4.8.4 Design Study Solution; 4.8.5 Design Study 4.5; Solution; 4.8.6 Design Study 4.6; 4.8.7 Design Study 4.7; 4.8.8 Design Study 4.8; 4.9 Hypothesis Testing Based on a Two-Population Distribution; 4.9.1 Large Sample Sizes; 4.9.2 Small Sample Sizes; 4.10 Summary Table of Tests Concerning Means; 4.11 Design Studies of Two Population Means; 4.11.1 Design Study 4.9; 4.11.2 Design Study 4.10; 4.11.3 Design Study 4.11; 4.11.4 Design Study 4.12; 4.12 Testing Variances from One Population: Use of the Chi-Square (x[sup(2)]) Distribution
4.13 Testing Variances from Two Populations: Use of the F-Distribution4.14 Design Studies of Variances; 4.14.1 Design Study 4.13; 4.14.2 Design Study 4.14; 4.14.3 Design Study 4.15; 4.14.4 Design Study 4.16; 4.15 Control Charts; 4.16 Design Study for Control Charts; 4.16.1 Design Study 4.17; References; Symbols; Chapter 5 Riveted and Bolted Joints; 5.1 Basic Formulas for Rivets; 5.2 Formulas for Eccentric Shear; 5.3 Performance of Riveted Joints; 5.4 Rigid Bolted Connections; 5.5 Gasket Effects; 5.6 Stiffness of a Flange in Compression; 5.7 Conventional Diagram for the Bolt Preload
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