Gwatkin, D.R.|Rutstein, S.|Johnson, K.|Pande, R.P.|Wagstaff, A.

Socio-economic differences in health, nutrition, and population in Indonesia - Washington, D.C. HNP/Poverty Thematic Group of The World Bank 2000 - Health, Nutrition, and Population .

Presents figures describing the health, nutrition and population status and service use among people of different socio-economic classes in Indonesia. The figures presented have been tabulated from data collected through demographic and health survey programmes. Provides technical notes on child mortality and growth rates, maternal care and childhood diseases, including disease prevention and control. Discusses the most significant of the various technical issues met when preparing the information.

Health|Nutrition|Population|Socioeconomic Factors|Social Class|Demography|Child Mortality

WA 30 LI4 .G87 2000