Will this be on the test? : what your professors really want you to know about succeeding in college /
Dana T. Johnson with Jennifer E. Price.
- x, 186 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages 185-186).
Introduction: Why are you going to college? -- Part 1. Getting the big picture. It's not all about you -- Just kidding! It is all about you : personal responsibility -- Who are your professors? -- College as a springboard to the workplace, the military, or graduate school -- Part 2. Inside your college classroom. The written rules of the classroom : the syllabus -- The unwritten rules of the classroom : acceptable classroom behaviors -- The virtual classroom : special considerations for online courses -- Part 3. Communicating with your professor. Office hours -- Email etiquette -- Letters of recommendation -- Part 4. More advice for college success. Getting the best grades you can -- Polishing your written work -- Managing your coursework and your time -- Ethical considerations -- Part 5. Final words of wisdom. For parents : preparing, supporting, and understanding your student -- Summing up.
Study skills. Teacher-student relationships--United States. College students--United States. College students. Study skills. Teacher-student relationships.