Basic geriatric nursing /
Patricia Williams, RN, MSN, CCRN, Formerly, Nursing Educator, University of California Medical Center, San Francisco, California; Alumnus, iSAGE Mini Fellowship Program, Successful Aging Project, Stanford University Medical School, Stanford, California.
- 6th edition.
- xvi, 382 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
Trends and issues -- Theories of aging -- Physiologic changes -- Health promotion, health maintenance, and home health considerations -- Communicating with older adults -- Maintaining fluid balance and meeting nutritional needs -- Medications and older adults -- Health assessment for older adults -- Meeting safety needs of older adults -- Cognition and perception -- Self-perception and self-concept -- Roles and relationships -- Coping and stress -- Values and beliefs -- End-of-life care -- Sexuality and aging -- Care of aging skin and mucous membranes -- Elimination -- Activity and exercise -- Sleep and rest.