Loehr, Nicholas A.
An Introduction to Mathematical Proofs [electronic resource].
- Milton : CRC Press LLC, 2019.
- 1 online resource (413 p.).
- Textbooks in Mathematics Ser. .
Description based upon print version of record.
Propositions; Logical Connectives; Truth Tables
Logical Equivalence; IF-Statements
IF, IFF, Tautologies, and Contradictions
Tautologies; Quantifiers; Universes
Properties of Quantifiers: Useful Denials
Denial Practice; Uniqueness
Definitions, Axioms, Theorems, and Proofs
Proving Existence Statements and IF Statements
Contrapositive Proofs; IFF Proofs
Proofs by Contradiction; OR Proofs
Proof by Cases; Disproofs
Proving Universal Statements; Multiple Quantifiers
More Quantifier Properties and Proofs (Optional)
Set Operations; Subset Proofs
More Subset Proofs; Set Equality Proofs
More Set Quality Proofs; Circle Proofs; Chain Proofs
Small Sets; Power Sets; Contrasting ? and ⁶
Ordered Pairs; Product Sets
General Unions and Intersections
Axiomatic Set Theory (Optional)
Recursive Definitions; Proofs by Induction
Induction Starting Anywhere: Backwards Induction
Strong Induction
Prime Numbers; Division with Remainder
Greatest Common Divisors; Euclid's GCD Algorithm
More on GCDs; Uniqueness of Prime Factorizations
Consequences of Prime Factorization (Optional)
Relations and Functions
Relations; Images of Sets under Relations
Inverses, Identity, and Composition of Relations
Properties of Relations
Definition of Functions
Examples of Functions; Proving Equality of Functions
Composition, Restriction, and Gluing
Direct Images and Preimages
Injective, Surjective, and Bijective Functions
Inverse Functions
Equivalence Relations and Partial Orders
Reflexive, Symmetric, and Transitive Relations
Equivalence Relations
Equivalence Classes
Set Partitions
Partially Ordered Sets
Equivalence Relations and Algebraic Structures (Optional)
Finite Sets
Countably Infinite Sets
Countable Sets
Uncountable Sets
Real Numbers (Optional)
Axioms for R; Properties of Addition
Algebraic Properties of Real Numbers
Natural Numbers, Integers, and Rational Numbers
Ordering, Absolute Value, and Distance
Greatest Elements, Least Upper Bounds, and Completeness
Suggestions for Further Reading