Communication, management and information technology / editor, Marcelo Sampaio de Alencar, Institute for Advanced Studies in Communications (Iecom), Campina Grande-PB, Brazil. - 1 online resource

A Balkema book. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology (ICCMIT 2016), Cosenza, Italy, 26-29 April 2016.

Critical discourse analysis on inclusive education : school leadership and networks / R. Soler Costa and J.R. Soler Santaliestra -- An empirical study of the MIS impacts and organizational efforts on improving business performance / A.A. Monem -- Social benefits of innovative public administration services / B. Skoczynska-Prokopowicz -- The use of Information and Computer Technology in the decision-making process of foreign students concerning their future professional career / B. Sobiczewska -- Modelling of the process teaching-training in E-learning / A.T.A. Yalid, M. Bassiri, M. Moussted and M. Talbi -- The instrumentalisation of the MOOCS vector of educational innovation and consecration of the academic training quality / A.T.A. Yalid, M. Bassiri, M. Moussted and M. Talbi -- Interdisciplinary as a vector of consecration and development metacognitive transversal on line skills / B. Mustapha, Y. Amal, S. Belaaouad and R. Mohamed -- Interactive formation from afar and cognitive intelligence increased at the adult learners : case of the master technological engineering for the education and the formation / B. Mustapha, Y. Amal, S. Belaaouad and R. Mohamed -- The engineering andragogical in the device blended learning : case of the academic formation courses professionalizing development of a conceptual and methodological setting / B. Mustapha, Y. Amal, S. Belaaouadb and R. Mohamed -- A general scheme for MRI images' segmentation based on slice-by-slice learning / I. Kone, L. Boulmane, M. Radouani and B. Elfahime -- FreebaseViz : interactive exploration of freebase schema using query-driven visualisation / M. Elbattah, M. Roushdy, M. Aref and A.-B.M. Salem -- Towards a future mobile multihomed environment / A. Benaouda Chaht, C. Zouaoui and A. Bounoua -- Information security challenge : the responsibility of management, Information System case study for the management of research / Y. El Hissi and A. Haqiq -- Effects and impact of playing computer games / W. Chmielarz and O. Szumski.

9781315375083 9781498779456 9781315330600

10.1201/9781315375083 doi

Information technology--Congresses.

T58.5 / .C66 2017

004 / C734