Management of wheat and barley diseases / editor: Devendra Pal Singh, PhD, MBA. - 1 online resource (xxvi, 656 pages)

part Part I: Disease Identification and Management Practices -- chapter 1 Strategic Disease Management in Wheat and Barley / chapter 2 Management of Rust Diseases in Wheat and Barley: Next Generation Tools -- chapter 3 Holistic Management of Foliar Blight Disease of Wheat and Barley / chapter 4 Overcoming Stripe Rust of Wheat: A Threat to Food Security / chapter 5 Powdery Mildew of Wheat and Its Management -- chapter 6 Management of Karnal Bunt and Loose Smut Diseases in Wheat / chapter 7 Flag Smut of Wheat and Its Management Practices / chapter 8 Black Point of Wheat Caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana and Its Management -- chapter 9 Important Nematode Pests of Wheat and Barley and Their Management -- chapter 10 Disease Resistance Breeding in Wheat: Theory and Practices / chapter 11 Host Resistance to Spot Blotch (Bipolaris sorokiniana) in Wheat and Barley -- chapter 12 Molecular Markers for Wheat Improvement: Tool for Precision Rust Resistance Breeding -- chapter 13 Gene Pyramiding for Developing High-Yielding Disease-Resistant Wheat Varieties -- chapter 14 Breeding Strategies and Prospects of Wheat Improvement in Northwestern Himalayas -- part Part II: Diseases in Diverse Agroecological Conditions -- chapter 15 Diseases of Wheat in Brazil and Their Management / chapter 16 Status of Wheat Diseases and Their Management in Gujarat State of India -- chapter 17 Disease Spectrum on Barley in Rajasthan and Integrated Management Strategies -- chapter 18 Resource Conservation Agriculture Practices, Rhizosphere, and Diseases of Wheat Under Wheat-Rice Cropping System -- part Part III: Pathogenic Variability and Its Management -- chapter 19 Survey and Surveillance of Wheat Biotic Stresses: Indian Scenario / chapter 20 Evolution of Wheat Rust Pathogens in the Indian Subcontinent / chapter 21 Stem Rust Pathotype Ug99: An Indian Context / chapter 22 Barley Stem Rust Resistance Mechanisms: Diversity, Gene Structure, and Function Suggest a Recently Evolved Host-Pathogen Relationship -- chapter 23 Inverse Gene-for-Gene: Necrotrophic Specialist's Modus Operandi in Barley and Wheat -- chapter 24 Wheat Blast Caused by Magnaporthe oryzae Pathotype Triticum: Present Status, Variability, and Strategies for Management. Devendra Pal Singh -- A. K. Chowdhury -- Om P. Gangwar -- Ritu Bala -- Devendra Pal Singh -- Hanif Khan -- S. P. Val-Moraes -- M. S. Saharan -- Subhash C. Bhardwaj -- Pramod Prasad --

"Both wheat and barley are two of the most important food and industrial crops in world. Wheat and barley cultivation has experienced changes in practices due to factors such as methods of conservation agriculture, cropping systems, wheat varieties, changes in weather patterns, and international trade, necessitating new and different approaches for the successful management of emerging diseases and new pathotypes of pathogens. This valuable volume explores a multitude of new approaches and techniques for the effective management of emerging wheat diseases. This new volume presents the latest literature on management technology of diseases that affect the production of wheat and are capable of reducing grain yields as well as grain quality. These diseases include rusts, smuts, other foliar diseases such as blight, spots, blotch, powdery mildew, bunts, etc., as well as diseases such as Karnal bunt of wheat, which is of importance to international trade. This book will be highly valuable to researchers, students, teachers, farmers, seed growers, traders, and other stakeholders dealing with wheat and barley. It also advances our knowledge in the field of plant pathology, plant breeding, and plant biotechnology, agronomy, and grain quality and pesticide industries. The book will serve as a reference on disease management technologies for the containment of losses in wheat and barley yields and will assist in maintaining wheat quality, reducing the cost of cultivation, increasing yield, and thus in helping to ensuring food security on a global level."--Provided by publisher.


10.1201/9781315207537 doi

Wheat--Diseases and pests.
Barley--Diseases and pests.

SB608.W5 / M328 2017

638.155 / M266