Bartsch, Ronald I. C., 1954-,

Drones in society : exploring the strange new world of unmanned aircraft / Ron Bartsch, James Coyne and Katherine Gray. - 1 online resource (ix, 160 pages)

1. The rise of the drones : introduction -- 2. From battlefield to backyard : development of unmanned aircraft -- 3. Harnessing the beast : the development of UAS regulation -- 4. Global harmonization : International Civil Aviation Organization -- 5. The good, the bad and the ugly : UAS applications and technology -- 6. Eyes in the sky : invasion of privacy -- 7. Drone terrorism : the ascent of evil -- 8. To err is human : human factors -- 9. What's hot and happening with remotely piloted aircraft systems -- 10. Where no one has gone before : the future with drones -- 11. Keeping up with the drones' : how to get 'into' (be part of) the drone movement.

9781315409658 9781315409627

10.4324/9781315409658 doi

Drone aircraft.

TL718 / .B37 2017

629.13339 / B294