Financial decision-making in the foodservice industry : economic costs and benefits /
edited by Amit Sharma, PhD.
- 1 online resource.
Consumer agency and the ethical obligations of food service providers in an era of cheap food, racial inequality, and neoliberal governance / Robert M. Chiles -- To be green or not to be green: costs and benefits related to sustainability decision-making in the restaurant industry / Robin B. DiPietro -- Food safety: integrating behavior change and motivation design / Kevin R. Roberts and Naiqing Lin -- Promoting more sustainable consumer decisions in foodservice settings: effectiveness of the "nudges" approach / Laure Saulais, Maurice Doyon, and Camille Massey -- Nutritional status of children participating in the supplementary nutritional programme (SNP) and mothers, perceptions of services provided / Angeline Jeyakumar and Mrudula Holkar -- Out of home eating trends: how knowledgable is the south african food service industry on healthy meal alternatives? / H. Kesa and A. N. Melani -- The impact of farm-to-school and local food expenditures on school foodservice revenues / Victor Motta -- The influence of managerial traits and behavior in the foodservice industry / Kwanglim SeoContents -- U.S. trends in food away from home / Jungtae Soh -- Processing fluency: an approach to look for nudge interventions / Yuxia Ouyang -- Cost-benefit assessment of local foods in independent restaurants / Amit Sharma and Frode Alfnes -- The trade-off model: an agency perspective to understanding the process of everyday food choice transactions / Amit Sharma.
"The study of decision-making in foodservice is still a relatively new area of scholarly interest. The application of cost-benefit analysis and behavioral finance and economics in the foodservice context is rare. This volume, Financial Decision-Making in the Foodservice Industry: Economic Costs and Benefits, fills that gap and focuses on cost-benefit analysis, decision-making, behavioral finance, economic theories, and their application in foodservice and restaurant industry. The volume synthesizes these major themes by developing new theoretical foundations and presenting findings from the investigation of managerial practice. The authors cover an abundance of topical issues, including ethical obligations in foodservice, sustainability issues in the foodservice/restaurant industry, farm-to-school and local food expenditures in school foodservice settings, managerial traits and behavior in the foodservice industry, and more. The volume comprehensively analyzes the foodservice value chain, providing a unique perspective for not only hospitality researchers but also for those in such diverse (though related) fields as agricultural economics, food science, food nutrition, consumer behavior, decision-making, and finance and economics"--