Cultural sustainability in rural communities : rethinking Australian country towns / edited by Catherine Driscoll, Kate Darian-Smith and David Nichols. - 1 online resource

Acknowledgements -- Rethinking Australian country towns / Catherine Driscoll, Kate Darian-Smith and David Nichols -- Place -- On boredom : hometown / Prudence Black -- Music and community in Australian country towns : choir singing, belonging and emotion / Chris Gibson and Andrea Gordon -- Cultural progress in a rural community : the Swan Hill shakespeare festival / Kate Darian-Smith, David Nichols and Jane Grant -- Farm lit: reading narratives of love on the land / Imelda Whelehan and Barbara Pini -- Deceptive darwin, the country capital / Tess Lea -- Experience -- Hometown : sustainable queerness in the more-than-human country town / Katrina Schlunke -- "A special Australian country thing" : the small hall in Australian country life / Kate Bowles, David Nichols and Gordon Waitt -- Sticky places : temporality, affect and gender in Australian country towns / Anna Hickey-Moody and Jane Kenway -- Talk of the town in drought country / Deb Anderson -- Progress -- Broome's economy : renaturalising neoliberalism? / Stephen Muecke -- Fostering equality, maintaining hierarchy : problems of race and class in the country women's association of NSW 1956-1970 / Jennifer Jones -- Gender relations in a rural community / Margaret Alston -- Something to play every day : rural retirement culture / Catherine Driscoll -- Index.

9781315575384 9781317156178

10.4324/9781315575384 doi

Australia--Cultural policy.
Australia--Rural conditions.

HN850.Z9 / .C636 2017

307.720994 / C968