Rauch, Jennifer,

Resisting the News : engaged audiences, alternative media, and popular critique of journalism / Jennifer Rauch. - 1 online resource

Resisting the News brings together unique insights from activists and alternative-media users to offer a distinctive perspective on the problems of journalism today--and how to fix them. Using critical-cultural theory and, in particular, the conceptual frameworks of ritual communication and interpretive communities, this book examines how audiences filter their interpretations of mainstream news through the prisms of their identities and experiences with alternative media and political protest. Jennifer Rauch gives voice to alternative-media audiences and illuminates the cultural resources, values, assumptions, critical skills, and discursive strategies through which they make sense of their news environments. Drawing on a 15-year research project, Rauch employs a variety of qualitative, quantitative, and quasi-ethnographic methods, including focus groups, media-use diaries, close-ended surveys, and open-ended questions, to paint a layered portrait of liberal and conservative critiques of journalism. Shedding new light on popular theories about "how news works" and about "mass" audiences, this book will be useful to students, scholars, and teachers of political communication, journalism studies, media studies, and critical-cultural studies.

9781000298123 1000298124 100029806X 9781003007722 1003007724 9781000298093 1000298094 9781000298062

Journalism--Technological innovations.
Popular culture and globalization.

PN4775 / .R38 2020
