Ungvarski, P.J.|Flaskerud, H.

HIV/AIDS: A guide to primary care management - 4th ed. - Philadelphia WB Saunders Company 1999 - xiv, 544p.

Provides an interdisciplinary case management approach to the care of people living with HIV/AIDS. Covers health promotion and disease prevention; clinical manifestations and management approaches for patients of all ages; maternal/child concerns; psychosocial and psychiatric issues; needs of special populations; cultural and spiritual issues; pharmacological, non-pharmacological, alternative, and complementary therapies; legal and ethical concerns; nursing care in community, home, institutional, long-term, residential, and hospice settings; and the overall effectiveness of today's health care system in meeting AIDS patients' needs.


Disease Management|Delivery of Health Care|Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome|Primary Health Care|HIV Infections

ART WC 503.2 .H58 1999