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Proteomics for food authentication / edited by Leo M.L. Nollet, Semih Ötleş.

Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextSeries: Publisher: Boca Raton : CRC Press, [2020]Description: 1 online resourceContent type:
  • text
Media type:
  • computer
Carrier type:
  • online resource
  • 9780429261923
  • 0429261926
  • 9780429552205
  • 0429552203
  • 9780429537509
  • 0429537506
  • 9780429524035
  • 042952403X
Subject(s): DDC classification:
  • 363.19/264 23
LOC classification:
  • TX531
Online resources:
Proteomics for food authentication / Ignacio Ortea, Gavin O'Connor, Alain Maquet -- 1-DE and 2-DE -- in-gel tryptic digestion / Semih Ötleş, Vasfiye Hazal Özyurt -- Non-directed analysis / Dev Kant Shandilya -- Targeted proteomics for food authentication / Devarajan Thangadurai, Mojtaba Kordrostami, Saher Islam, Arun Kashivishwanath Shettar, Jeyabalan Sangeetha, Mohammad Mafakheri, Jasmin Habeeb, Abdel Rahman Mohammad Said Al-Tawaha, Steffi Simmi Maxim and Ravichandra Hospet -- A MALDI-TOF MS approach for mammalian, human, and formula milks' profiling / Laura Di Francesco, Francesco Di Girolamo, Maurizio Mennini , Andrea Masott, Guglielmo Salvatori, Giuliano Rigon, Fabrizio Signore, Emanuela Pietranton, Margherita Scapaticci, Isabella Lante, Bianca Maria Goffredo, Oscar Mazzina, Ahmed Ibrahim Elbousify, Paola Roncada, Andrea Dotta, Alessandro Fiocchi, and Lorenza Putignani -- MALDI-TOF-MS analysis of foods / Leo M.L. Nollet -- Whole protein analysis using LC-MS/MS for food authentication / Jeyabalan Sangeetha, Arun Kashivishwanath Shettar, Devarajan Thangadurai, Chethan Jambanna Dandin, Ravichandra Hospet, Bhavisha Prakashbhai Sheth, Saher Islam, Abdel Rahman Mohammad Said Al-Tawaha, Mojtaba Kordrostami and Mohammad Mafakheri -- Proteomic authentication of dairy products / Saher Islam, Devarajan Thangadurai -- Proteomic tools for improved processing of dry-cured meats / Leticia Mora, Fidel Toldrá -- Fish / Marco Alexandre Cavaco Cerqueira, Ana Paula Farinha, Denise Schrama, Márcio Júlio Vicente Moreira, Cláudia Sofia Ferreira Raposo de Magalhães, Pedro Miguel Leal Rodrigues -- Proteomics in authentication of wine / Javed Ahamad, Javed Ahmad, Showkat R. Mir, Raad A. Kaskoos -- Proteomics in authentication of honey / Javed Ahamad, Javed Ahmad, Muath Sh. Mohammed Ameen, Esra T. Anwer, Showkat R. Mir, Ameeduzzafar -- GMOs / Rajesh Kumar.
Summary: "Consumers have the right to know what is in the food they are eating, and accordingly, a number of global food regulations require that the provenance of the food can be guaranteed from farm to fork. Many different instrumental techniques have been proposed for food authentication. Although traditional methods are still being used, new approaches such as genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics are helping to complement existing methodologies for verifying the claims made about certain food products. During the last decade, proteomics (the largescale analysis of proteins in a particular biological system at a particular time) has been applied to different research areas within food technology. Since proteins can be used as markers for many properties of a food, even indicating processes to which the food has been subjected, they can provide further evidence of the foods labeling claim. Proteomics for Food Authentication, a volume in the Food Analysis and Properties Series, is a comprehensive and updated overview of the applications, drawbacks, advantages, and challenges of proteomics for food authentication"-- Provided by publisher.
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Proteomics for food authentication / Ignacio Ortea, Gavin O'Connor, Alain Maquet -- 1-DE and 2-DE -- in-gel tryptic digestion / Semih Ötleş, Vasfiye Hazal Özyurt -- Non-directed analysis / Dev Kant Shandilya -- Targeted proteomics for food authentication / Devarajan Thangadurai, Mojtaba Kordrostami, Saher Islam, Arun Kashivishwanath Shettar, Jeyabalan Sangeetha, Mohammad Mafakheri, Jasmin Habeeb, Abdel Rahman Mohammad Said Al-Tawaha, Steffi Simmi Maxim and Ravichandra Hospet -- A MALDI-TOF MS approach for mammalian, human, and formula milks' profiling / Laura Di Francesco, Francesco Di Girolamo, Maurizio Mennini , Andrea Masott, Guglielmo Salvatori, Giuliano Rigon, Fabrizio Signore, Emanuela Pietranton, Margherita Scapaticci, Isabella Lante, Bianca Maria Goffredo, Oscar Mazzina, Ahmed Ibrahim Elbousify, Paola Roncada, Andrea Dotta, Alessandro Fiocchi, and Lorenza Putignani -- MALDI-TOF-MS analysis of foods / Leo M.L. Nollet -- Whole protein analysis using LC-MS/MS for food authentication / Jeyabalan Sangeetha, Arun Kashivishwanath Shettar, Devarajan Thangadurai, Chethan Jambanna Dandin, Ravichandra Hospet, Bhavisha Prakashbhai Sheth, Saher Islam, Abdel Rahman Mohammad Said Al-Tawaha, Mojtaba Kordrostami and Mohammad Mafakheri -- Proteomic authentication of dairy products / Saher Islam, Devarajan Thangadurai -- Proteomic tools for improved processing of dry-cured meats / Leticia Mora, Fidel Toldrá -- Fish / Marco Alexandre Cavaco Cerqueira, Ana Paula Farinha, Denise Schrama, Márcio Júlio Vicente Moreira, Cláudia Sofia Ferreira Raposo de Magalhães, Pedro Miguel Leal Rodrigues -- Proteomics in authentication of wine / Javed Ahamad, Javed Ahmad, Showkat R. Mir, Raad A. Kaskoos -- Proteomics in authentication of honey / Javed Ahamad, Javed Ahmad, Muath Sh. Mohammed Ameen, Esra T. Anwer, Showkat R. Mir, Ameeduzzafar -- GMOs / Rajesh Kumar.

"Consumers have the right to know what is in the food they are eating, and accordingly, a number of global food regulations require that the provenance of the food can be guaranteed from farm to fork. Many different instrumental techniques have been proposed for food authentication. Although traditional methods are still being used, new approaches such as genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics are helping to complement existing methodologies for verifying the claims made about certain food products. During the last decade, proteomics (the largescale analysis of proteins in a particular biological system at a particular time) has been applied to different research areas within food technology. Since proteins can be used as markers for many properties of a food, even indicating processes to which the food has been subjected, they can provide further evidence of the foods labeling claim. Proteomics for Food Authentication, a volume in the Food Analysis and Properties Series, is a comprehensive and updated overview of the applications, drawbacks, advantages, and challenges of proteomics for food authentication"-- Provided by publisher.

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