Physico-mathematical theory of high irreversible strains in metals / V.M. Greshnov.
Material type:
- text
- computer
- online resource
- 9780429259791
- 0429259794
- 9780429521966
- 0429521960
- 9780429535437
- 0429535430
- 9780429550133
- 0429550138
- 620.1123 23
- TA417.6
Presents a new physical and mathematical theory of irreversible deformations and ductile fracture of metals that acknowledges the continuous change in the structure of materials during deformation and the accumulation of deformation damage. Plastic deformation, viscous destruction, evolution of structure, creep processes, and long-term strength of metals and stress relaxation are described in the framework of a unified approach and model. The author then expands this into a mathematical model for determining the mechanical characteristics of quasi-samples of standard mechanical properties in deformed semi-finished products.
Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Foreword; Introduction; 1: Fundamentals of mechanics of strength and plasticity of metals; 1.1. Basic concepts, postulates and method in the classical mathematical theory of plasticity (flow theory); 1.2. The defining relations of the theory of plasticity (particular laws of metal deformation); 1.2.1. The tensor defining relations; 1.2.2. Scalar defining relations; 1.3. Fundamentals of the classical mathematical theory of creep of metals
1.4. Modern approaches to the development of the mathematical theory of irreversible strains and the formulation of a scientific problem1.4.1. Plasticity theory; 2: Fundamentals of the phenomenological theory of fracture and fracture criteria of metals at high plastic strains; 2.1. Basic concepts, assumptions and equations of the phenomenological theory of the fracture of metals; 2.2. Criteria of ductile fracture of metals; 2.3. Modern approaches to the development of the theory of ductile fracture and the formulation of a scientific problem
3: Fundamentals of the physics of strength and plasticity of metals3.1. Basic concepts and assumptions of the dislocation theory of plasticity; 3.2. Theoretical description of plastic deformation; 3.2.1. Multilevel character of plastic deformation; 3.2.2. Structure and properties of metals with developed and intense plastic strains; 3.2.3. Methods of theoretical description of plastic deformation; 3.2.4. Physical (microstructural) models of creep of metals; 3.3. Basic concepts and provisions of the physics of fracture of metals
4: A physico-phenomenological model of the single process of plastic deformation and ductile fracture of metals4.1. General provisions of the model; 4.2. The scalar defining equation of viscoplasticity; 4.3. Scalar model of the plasticity of a hardening body (cold deformation of metals); 4.4. Model of ductile fracture of metals; 4.5. Obtaining a generalized law of viscoplasticity based on a scalar law; 5: A physico-phenomenological model of plasticity at high cyclic deformation and similar cold deformation; 5.1. The experimental basis of the model
5.2. The defining equations of large cyclic deformation and deformation close to it6: Physico-phenomenological models of irreversible strains in metals; 6.1. Model of evolution of a microstructure under irreversible deformation of metals; 6.2. Kinetic physical-phenomenological model of dislocation creep, controlled by thermally activated slip of dislocations; 6.3. Kinetic physico-phenomenological model of long-term strength of metals; 6.3.1. General information about long-term strength; 6.3.2. Model of long-term strength. The general case of loading
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