Psychiatric drugs explained
Psychiatric drugs explained - 6th ed. - London, United Kingdom Elsevier Health Sciences 2016 - xiv, 339p.
Now in its sixth edition, and written by an author internationally recognised in his field, Psychiatric Drugs Explained offers a wealth of information in a handy easy-to-use format. Organised by disorder, and providing a comprehensive review of drug effects, action and side-effects, this fully updated new edition covers the latest drugs on the market, and explores changes in prescribing practice.|The author's approach is distinctive and reader-friendly, to help guide mental health professionals through the benefits and impacts of psychotropic drugs. Additional topics include management of disorders including stimulants and drugs for children, cognitive impairment and sleep disorders.|Includes management of disorders including stimulants and drugs for children, cognitive impairment and sleep disorders|Gives particular focus on areas that are of major concern to mental health practitioners including management of dependence and withdrawal and issues of consent, abuse and liability|'User Issues' boxes highlight the most crucial aspects of drug effects and their implications|Key references point the reader to the most up-to-date research and literature in the field|Fresh design and updated artwork gives added appeal to the volume|Organised by disorder this new edition now covers the latest drugs on the market and explores changes in prescribing practice|Includes updated references pointing the reader to the most recent research and literature in the field
Management of the psychoses|Management of depression|Management of anxiety|Management of sexual dificulties
QV 77 .H43 2016
Psychiatric drugs explained - 6th ed. - London, United Kingdom Elsevier Health Sciences 2016 - xiv, 339p.
Now in its sixth edition, and written by an author internationally recognised in his field, Psychiatric Drugs Explained offers a wealth of information in a handy easy-to-use format. Organised by disorder, and providing a comprehensive review of drug effects, action and side-effects, this fully updated new edition covers the latest drugs on the market, and explores changes in prescribing practice.|The author's approach is distinctive and reader-friendly, to help guide mental health professionals through the benefits and impacts of psychotropic drugs. Additional topics include management of disorders including stimulants and drugs for children, cognitive impairment and sleep disorders.|Includes management of disorders including stimulants and drugs for children, cognitive impairment and sleep disorders|Gives particular focus on areas that are of major concern to mental health practitioners including management of dependence and withdrawal and issues of consent, abuse and liability|'User Issues' boxes highlight the most crucial aspects of drug effects and their implications|Key references point the reader to the most up-to-date research and literature in the field|Fresh design and updated artwork gives added appeal to the volume|Organised by disorder this new edition now covers the latest drugs on the market and explores changes in prescribing practice|Includes updated references pointing the reader to the most recent research and literature in the field
Management of the psychoses|Management of depression|Management of anxiety|Management of sexual dificulties
QV 77 .H43 2016