Remote sensing and geographical information systems in epidemiology

Hay, S.I.(ed.)|Randolph, S.E.(ed.)|Rogers, D.J.(ed.)

Remote sensing and geographical information systems in epidemiology - London Academic press 2000 - xiii, 357p. - Advances in parasitology Vol.47 .

Presents a comprehensive guide to using the very latest methods of surveillance from satellites, including analysing spatial data within geographical information systems, interpreting complex biological patterns, and predicting risk both today and as it may change in the future. Examines the case studies in the epidemiology of contrasting indirectly-transmitted disease systems, the african trypanosomiases, malaria, tick-borne pathogens and helminths.


Image processing|Vectorborne diseases|Epidemiologic applications|Information Systems|Satellite imagery

QA 78 .H39 2002

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