Advances in statistical methods for the health sciences: applications to cancer and AIDS studies, genome sequence analysis, and survival analysis

Auget, J (ed.)|Balakrishnan, N (ed.)|Mesbah, M (ed.)|molenberghs, G (ed.)

Advances in statistical methods for the health sciences: applications to cancer and AIDS studies, genome sequence analysis, and survival analysis - Boston Birkhauser 2007 - xl, 540p.

States that use of statistical methods in the health sciences has become quite common, and many sophisticated methods have been developed for specific applications and problems. Covers a wide range of recent advances of statistical methods in the health sciences written by internationally renowned experts. Include stochastic models in cancer and AIDS studies, statistical methods in genome sequence analysis, bioequivalence studies, randomized clinical trial designs, survival analysis and applications, and statistical methods in quality-of-life.


Epidemiology|Drug|Animal Health

WA 950 .A94 2007

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