The HIV pandemic: local and global implications

Beck, E.J. (ed.)|Mays, N. (ed.)|Whiteside A.W. (ed.)|Zuniga, J.M. (ed.)

The HIV pandemic: local and global implications - Oxford Oxford University Press, Inc. 2006 - xxxix, 799p.

Reflects on the international impact of the HIV disease which has persistently remained a global issue, with more than 50 million people worldwide estimated to have been infected since it began in 1981. Highlights a multi-country comparative study that examines how the response to the common, global threat of HIV is shaped by the history,culture, institutions and health systems of the individual countries affected. Responses include; from prevention as the main containment strategy, to scaling up HIV treatment, and care and prevention services, including antiretroviral therapy and finally monitoring and evaluation in order to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, equity and acceptability of the response.


HIV|Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome|Ethical issues|Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy

ART WC 503.6 .B43 2006

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