Working with culture: psychotherapeutic interventions with ethnic minority children and adolescents

Vargas, L.A. (ed.)|Koss-Chioino, J.D. (ed.)

Working with culture: psychotherapeutic interventions with ethnic minority children and adolescents - San Francisco Jossey-Bass 1992 - xxvii,327p. - The Jossey-Bass Social and Behavioral Science Series .

Analyses the writings of various authors on challenges faced when working with children and adolescents from ehtnic groups. The book discusses culturally responsive psychotherapeuticinterventions for specific problems experienced. Case examples are presented along with clinical approaches to cross-racial foster care, gang involvement, child abuse and substance use and abuse.Author and contributor autobiographies are provided|Name and subject indices also available


Culture|Behavior|Child|Adolescent|Psychology|Therapeutics|Ethnic Groups

GN 345 .V37 1992

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