Teaching made easy: A manual for health professionals
Chambers, R.|Wall, D.
Teaching made easy: A manual for health professionals - Oxon Radcliffe Medical Press 1999 - xvi, 194p.
This work is written to coincide with the NHS modernisation programme call for a third of consultants to receive Teaching the Teachers training. Provides tips and techniques, covering the whole curriculum of the medical or health teacher. For everyone teaching health professionals at all levels, including nursing.
W 88 .C53 2000
Teaching made easy: A manual for health professionals - Oxon Radcliffe Medical Press 1999 - xvi, 194p.
This work is written to coincide with the NHS modernisation programme call for a third of consultants to receive Teaching the Teachers training. Provides tips and techniques, covering the whole curriculum of the medical or health teacher. For everyone teaching health professionals at all levels, including nursing.
W 88 .C53 2000