Reporting adverse drug reactions: Definitions of terms and criteria for their use

Bankowski, Z. (ed.)|Bruppacher, R. (ed.)|Crusius, I. (ed.)|Gallagher, J. (ed.)|Kremer, G. (ed.)|Venulet, J. (ed.)

Reporting adverse drug reactions: Definitions of terms and criteria for their use - Geneva Council for International Organisations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) 1999 - xxii, 146p.

Presents standard definitions of selected for adverse drug reactions and on minimum requirements for the use of the terms in international reporting, in the framework of post-marketing surveillance. The terms and definitions are accepted across cultures and among the various linguistic backgrounds in the medical and educational systems. The book begins by explaining why its development and publication were necessary before presenting the terms. The terms are defined and the circumstances under which they may be used explained, synonymous terms are also provided.


Pharmaceutical Preparations|Legislation, Drug|Pharmacology

QV 748 .C56 1999

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