Implanting strategic management
Ansoff, I.|McDonnell, E.
Implanting strategic management - 2nd ed. - Hertfordshire Prentice Hall Europe 1990 - xxi, 520p.
Discussions on management of the adaptation by firms to discontinuous changes in the environment. It reviews strategic management today, what approaches are used, the procedures and the evolution of strategic management. Its main focus however is general management of strategic activities. It contains discussions on managing strategic change, real-time strategic response, managers systems and structures, matching capability to environmental turbulence, planning strategic posture and evolution of challenges and management systems.
0 13 451881-0
Organisation and Administration|Planning Techniques|Integrated Advanced Information Management Systems
HD 87 .A2
Implanting strategic management - 2nd ed. - Hertfordshire Prentice Hall Europe 1990 - xxi, 520p.
Discussions on management of the adaptation by firms to discontinuous changes in the environment. It reviews strategic management today, what approaches are used, the procedures and the evolution of strategic management. Its main focus however is general management of strategic activities. It contains discussions on managing strategic change, real-time strategic response, managers systems and structures, matching capability to environmental turbulence, planning strategic posture and evolution of challenges and management systems.
0 13 451881-0
Organisation and Administration|Planning Techniques|Integrated Advanced Information Management Systems
HD 87 .A2