Sexual health and care: sexually transmitted infections, guidelines for prevention and treatment
Adler, M.|Foster, S.|Richens, J.|Slavin, H.
Sexual health and care: sexually transmitted infections, guidelines for prevention and treatment - London Overseas Development Administration 1996 - 136p. - Health and population occasional paper .
Provides information on the selection of sexually transmitted diseases projects for support. Sets out a range of options for developing comprehensive sexually transmitted infections programmes (STIs). Provides guidance on effective forms of STIs prevention, treatment and control.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases|Practice Guidelines|Primary Prevention|Communicable Disease Control|Therapeutics
WC 144 .A4 1996
Sexual health and care: sexually transmitted infections, guidelines for prevention and treatment - London Overseas Development Administration 1996 - 136p. - Health and population occasional paper .
Provides information on the selection of sexually transmitted diseases projects for support. Sets out a range of options for developing comprehensive sexually transmitted infections programmes (STIs). Provides guidance on effective forms of STIs prevention, treatment and control.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases|Practice Guidelines|Primary Prevention|Communicable Disease Control|Therapeutics
WC 144 .A4 1996