Improving hospital performance through policies to increase hospital autonomy: implementation guidelines
Chawla, M.|Govindaraj, R.
Improving hospital performance through policies to increase hospital autonomy: implementation guidelines - Boston Data for Decision Making Project 1996 - vii, 46p.
Seeks to describe different approaches which have been taken in different parts of the world to improve performance of public hospitals through increased autonomy and improve allocative efficiency of government health spending by shifting public funds away from public hospitals. It also analyses factors which contribute to successful implementation of a strategy to increase hospital autonomy and formulates a set of guidelines to support the policies design to improve hospital performance through greater autonomy.
Hospital Performance|Public Policy|Professional Autonomy
WX.155.C53 1996
Improving hospital performance through policies to increase hospital autonomy: implementation guidelines - Boston Data for Decision Making Project 1996 - vii, 46p.
Seeks to describe different approaches which have been taken in different parts of the world to improve performance of public hospitals through increased autonomy and improve allocative efficiency of government health spending by shifting public funds away from public hospitals. It also analyses factors which contribute to successful implementation of a strategy to increase hospital autonomy and formulates a set of guidelines to support the policies design to improve hospital performance through greater autonomy.
Hospital Performance|Public Policy|Professional Autonomy
WX.155.C53 1996