Corporate finance: theory and practice
Lumby, S.|Jones, C.
Corporate finance: theory and practice - 7th ed. - London Thomson 2003 - xix, 796p.
Comprises valuation of companies for the Purposes of acquisition, focusing on a critical review of the main valuation approaches and the particular problems of valuing intellectual capital. Explains along areas organic growth acquisition, and reasons for premiums and synergy benefits, as well as payment methods. Also highlights on exposition of finance theory and practice.
corporate governance|Financial Management|Basis Risk|Acquisitions|Payment methods|Premiums and synergy benefits
HG 4026 .L96 2003
Corporate finance: theory and practice - 7th ed. - London Thomson 2003 - xix, 796p.
Comprises valuation of companies for the Purposes of acquisition, focusing on a critical review of the main valuation approaches and the particular problems of valuing intellectual capital. Explains along areas organic growth acquisition, and reasons for premiums and synergy benefits, as well as payment methods. Also highlights on exposition of finance theory and practice.
corporate governance|Financial Management|Basis Risk|Acquisitions|Payment methods|Premiums and synergy benefits
HG 4026 .L96 2003