Epigenetics and Assisted Reproduction An Introductory Guide.

Camprubí, Cristina.

Epigenetics and Assisted Reproduction An Introductory Guide. [electronic resource] : - Milton : Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2018. - 1 online resource (215 p.)

Description based upon print version of record.

Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Preface; Contributors; Chapter 1: A Short Introduction to DNA Methylation; Chapter 2: Epigenetic Modifications of Histones; Chapter 3: Epigenetic Reprogramming in Early Embryo Development; Chapter 4: Epigenetic Reprogramming of Mammalian Primordial Germ Cells; Chapter 5: Laboratory Molecular Methodologies to Analyze DNA Methylation; Chapter 6: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors That Influence Epigenetics; Chapter 7: Epigenetic and Assisted Reproduction Epidemiological Studies Chapter 8: Epigenetics and Assisted Reproduction Experimental Studies: Sperm EpigenomeChapter 9: Epigenetic and Assisted Reproduction Experimental Studies: Sperm ncRNAs; Chapter 10: Epigenetic and Assisted Reproduction Experimental Studies: Ovarian Stimulation; Chapter 11: Epigenetic and Assisted Reproduction Experimental Studies: In Vitro Culture; Chapter 12: Epigenetics: Hope against Genetic Determinism; Chapter 13: Future Perspectives; Index

Epigenetics is the study of how certain genes are activated without modification at the DNA sequence level, resulting in genetically similar individuals having different clinical outcomes. As contemporary medicine increasingly aims to personalize the medical approach to a patient's genetic profile, the factors that can affect which genes are expressed also increase in importance and relevance to the clinician. This text from experts will give the clinician in Reproductive Medicine a reliable grounding in current thinking and research on this fast-moving topic, with many clinical implications.

9781351804448 1351804448 9781351804455 1351804456 9781351804431 135180443X 9781315208701 1315208709

10.1201/9781315208701 doi

MEDICAL / Reproductive Medicine & Technology.
gene activation.
gene changes.
gene expression.



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