Instrumentation, measurements, and experiments in fluids /

Rathakrishnan, Ethirajan,

Instrumentation, measurements, and experiments in fluids / Ethirajan Rathakrishnan. - Second edition. - 1 online resource (xxvi, 586 pages)

Need and Objective of Experimental Study. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. Wind Tunnels. Flow Visualisation. Hot-Wire Anemometry. Analogue Methods. Pressure Measurement Techniques. Velocity Measurement. Temperature Measurement. Measurement of Wall Shear Stress. Mass and Volume Flow Measurements. Special flows. Data Acquisition and Processing. Uncertainity.

Instrumentation, Measurements, and Experiments in Fluids, Second Edition is primarily focused on essentials required for experimentation in fluids, explaining basic principles, and addressing the tools and methods needed for advanced experimentation. It also provides insight into the vital topics and issues associated with the devices and instruments used for fluid mechanics and gas dynamics experiments. The second edition adds exercise problems with answers, along with PIV systems of flow visualization, water flow channel for flow visualization, and pictures with Schlieren and shadowgraph -- from which possible quantitative information can be extracted. Ancillary materials include detailed solutions manual and lecture slides for the instructors.

9781315365619 1315365618 9781351848060 1351848062 9781351848572 1351848577


Fluid mechanics.
Fluid dynamic measurements.
Fluid mechanics--Measurement.
Fluid mechanics--Experiments.



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