Understanding artificial intelligence /

Sabouret, Nicolas,

Understanding artificial intelligence / Nicolas Sabouret ; illustrations by Lizete De Assis. - First edition. - 1 online resource : illustrations (black and white)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) fascinates, challenges and disturbs us. There are many voices in society that predict drastic changes that may come as a consequence of AI - a possible apocalypse or Eden on earth. However, only a few people truly understand whatAI is, what it can do and what its limitations are. Understanding Artificial Intelligence explains, through a straightforward narrative and amusing illustrations, how AI works. It is written for a non-specialist reader, adult or adolescent, who is interested in AI but is missing the key to understanding how it works. The author demystifies the creation of the so-called "intelligent" machine and explains the different methods that are used in AI. It presents new possibilities offered by algorithms and the difficulties that researchers, engineers and users face when building and using such algorithms. Each chapter allows the reader to discover a new aspect of AI and to become fully aware of the possibilities offered by this rich field.

1000284158 9781003080626 1003080626 9781000284157 9781000284256 1000284255 9781000284201 1000284204

10.1201/9781003080626 doi

Artificial intelligence.
COMPUTERS / Artificial Intelligence
COMPUTERS / Computer Graphics / Game Programming & Design
COMPUTERS / Machine Theory



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