Alternative Fusion Fuels and Systems /

Ryzhkov, Sergei V.,

Alternative Fusion Fuels and Systems / S.V. Ryzhkov and A. Yu Chirkov. - 1 online resource.

Explores the systems of magnetic confinement of high-temperature plasma with closed and open magnetic field lines which relate to alternative compact devices of controlled thermonuclear fusion. Energy balance schemes of thermonuclear plasmas and main reactor characteristics are presented as the authors compare conceptual projects based on classical tokamak and stellarator, spherical tokamak and compact torus. They explore the questions and problems of new promising nuclear and thermonuclear power plants that source thermonuclear neutrons on a mixture of deuterium and tritium, and a low-radioactive reactor on a mixture of deuterium and helium-3.

9780429399398 0429399391 9780429678998 0429678991 9780429679001 0429679009 9780429678981 0429678983

Nuclear fusion.
Nuclear fuel elements.
Synthetic fuels.
SCIENCE / Physics / Quantum Theory.
SCIENCE / Energy
SCIENCE / Nuclear Physics
SCIENCE / Physics



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