A survey of modern English /

Gramley, Stephan, 1943-

A survey of modern English / Stephan Gramley, Vivian Gramley and Kurt-Michael Pätzold. - Third edition. - 1 online resource

"A Survey of Modern English covers a wide selection of aspects of the modern English language. Fully revised and updated, the major focus of the third edition lies in Standard American and British English individually and in comparison with each other. Over and beyond that this volume treats other Englishes around the world, especially those of the southern hemisphere countries of Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa as well as numerous varieties spoken in southern, eastern and western Africa and south and southeast Asia and the Pacific. The main areas of investigation and interest include: pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary; multiple facets of English dialects and sociolects with an emphasis on gender and ethnicity; questions of pragmatics as well as a longer look at English-related pidgin and creole varieties This authoritative guide is a comprehensive, scholarly and systematic review of modern English. In one volume the book presents a description of both the linguistic structure of present-day English and its geographical, social, gender, and ethnic variations. This is complemented with an updated general bibliography and with exercises at the end of each chapter and their suggested solutions at the end of the volume, all intended to provide students and other interested readers with helpful resources"--

9780429300356 0429300352 9781000089776 1000089770 9781000089912 1000089916 9781000089844 1000089843

English language.
English language--Usage.
English language--Variation.



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