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Chronology of Pauline Clairmont
Chronology of Wilhelm Clairmont
Chapter One: Introduction: The History of the Shelley and Clairmont Families
Chapter Two: Pauline Clairmont's Australian Journal (1855-1857)
Chapter Three: Wilhelm Clairmont's Journal (1861)
Chapter Four: "Meine Fussreise im Juli 1885": Walter Clairmont's Journal (German transcription and English translation; 1885)
Chapter Five: Pauline Clairmont, the Governess Occupation, and the Genre of Life Writing
Appendix A: The Godwin-Shelley-Clairmont Family Genealogical Table
Appendix B: Historicizing the Journals: Australia, Austria, and the Banat
Appendix C: Wilhelm Clairmont's 1873 Certificate of Appointment as an Appraiser
Appendix D: Pauline Clairmont's 1891 Death Certificate
Appendix E: William Godwin and Mary Jane Clairmont's "Certified Copy of a Marriage Certificate" from 1940
Appendix F: Walter Clairmont's and Alma Crüwell-Clairmont's testimonies from the 1930s
Appendix G: Rosalie Lady Mander's Letters from 1937-1938 to Alma Crüwell-Clairmont
This edition presents the extant journals of Pauline Clairmont (1825-1891) and Wilhelm Clairmont (1831-1895), the niece and nephew of Claire Clairmont (1798-1879) who was Mary Shelley's (1797-1851) stepsister. It also includes a journal originally attributed to Pauline but which likely was Walter Gaulis Clairmont's (1868-1958; Wilhelm's son). All three journals are currently deposited in the Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle at the New York Public Library. Pauline and Wilhelm spent many years living and working in places like Australia and the Banat and their adventures are recorded in their journals. Pauline wrote a series of sixteen journals cataloguing her life; however, except for one journal, all the remaining journals have been lost. Her extant journal, written primarily in English but with French and German entries, documents her struggles in the Australian outback during the 1850s and her relationship with William Henry Suttor, Junior, who would later become a pastoralist and a politician. Pauline's journal tells of her love for Suttor, her disappointment at his rejection, and her musings about her life in Australia. In his journal, Wilhelm chronicles his attempts to purchase a farm in Europe while Walter provides us with an account of his 8-day Austrian expedition. This new edition brings together these three journals, thereby extending our understanding of the Shelley-Clairmont family. The edition includes an introduction to the primary Godwin-Shelley-Clairmont circle and a chapter on the history of life writing.Theeditorprovides extensive editorial notes and carefully researched chapters to contextualize The Clairmont Family Journals: 1855-1885.
9780429557811 0429557817 9780429553349 042955334X 9780429262753 0429262752 9780429562280 0429562284
10.4324/9780429262753 doi
Clairmont family--Correspondence.
Clairmont, Pauline, 1825-1891 --Diaries.
Clairmont, Wilhelmn--Diaries.
Clairmont, Pauline, 1825-1891 --Travel--Australia--Diaries.
Clairmont, Wilhelm--Travel--Austrlaia--Diaries.
LITERARY CRITICISM / European / English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh