Institutional translation and interpreting : assessing practices and managing for quality /

Institutional translation and interpreting : assessing practices and managing for quality / edited by Fernando Prieto Ramos. - 1 online resource : illustrations (black and white). - Routledge advances in translation and interpreting studies ; 55 .

Assessing Practices in Institutional Translation and Interpreting (Fernando Prieto Ramos) -- Part I. TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETING FOR NATIONAL AND REGIONAL INSTITUTIONS -- 1. A Comparative Approach to Assessing Assessment: Revising the Scoring Chart for the Authorized Translator's Examination in Finland (Leena Salmi and Marja Kivilehto) -- 2. Lexical Readability as an Indicator of Quality in Translation: Best Practices from Swiss Legislation (Paolo Canavese) -- 3. Assessing Translation Practices of Non-professional Translators in a Multilingual Institutional Setting (Flavia De Camillis) -- 4. Translation in the Shadows of Interpreting in US Court Systems: Standards, Guidelines and Practice (Jeffrey Killman) -- 5. Developing an Evaluation Tool for Legal Interpreting Quality Control: The INTER-Q Questionnaire (María Jesús Blasco Mayor and Marta Sancho Viamonte) -- Part 2. TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETING AT INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS -- 6.Every Second Counts: A Study of Translation Practices in the European Commission's DGT (María Fernández-Parra) -- 7. Ensuring Consistency and Accuracy of Legal Terms in Institutional Translation: The Role of Terminological Resources in International Organizations (Fernando Prieto Ramos) -- 8. Corrigenda of EU Legislative Acts as an Indicator of Quality Assurance Failures: A Micro-diachronic Analysis of Errors Rectified in the Polish Corrigenda (Łucja Biel and Izabela Pytel) -- 9. The Impact of Translation Competence on Institutional Translation Management and Quality: The Evidence from Action Research (Fernando Prieto Ramos and Mariam Sperandio) -- 10. Interpreting at the United Nations: The Effects of Delivery Rate on Quality in Simultaneous Interpreting (Lucía Ruiz Rosendo, Mónica Varela García and Alma Barghout) -- Managing for Quality: Practical Lessons from Research Insights (Fernando Prieto Ramos).

This collection brings together new insights around current translation and interpreting practices in national and supranational settings. The book illustrates the importance of further reflection on issues around quality and assessment, given the increased development of resources for translators and interpreters. The first part of the volume focuses on these issues as embodied in case studies from a range of national and regional contexts, including Finland, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and the United States. The second part takes a broader perspective to look at best practices and questions of quality through the lens of international bodies and organizations and the shifting roles of translation and interpreting practitioners in working tomanage these issues. Taken together, this collection demonstrates therelevance of critically examiningprocesses, competences and productsin current institutional translation and interpretingsettings at the national and supranational levels, paving the way for further research and quality assurance strategiesin the field.

9780429559914 0429559917 9780429555442 042955544X 9780429264894 0429264895 9780429564383 0429564384

10.4324/9780429264894 doi

Translating and interpreting--Quality control.
Translating and interpreting--Case studies.
Business communication.

P306.94 / .I57 2021


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